Subdomains are everywhere. You see subdomains so many times on the internet that you probably don’t even realize that they are there. Subdomains allow you to break down your main domains into smaller parts by adding another level of control to your domain name. Subdomains hosted on a website can therefore create a simple way of organizing information for that website based on service, function, or collection of information for your domain name. At the same time, subdomains offer a direct path to access that service, function, or collection of information directly.
Common examples of subdomains hosted for BallisticDomains.com are;
https://ballisticdomains.com that redirects you to the webserver running this website.
http://hosting.BallisticDomains.com that redirects you to the hosting information pages.
http://domains.BallisticDomains.com that redirects you to the domain registration pages.
http://help.BallisticDomains.com that redirects you to the main Help Center for the website.
http://myaccount.BallisticDomains.com that takes you directly to your Account Manager.
When creating a subdomain, you have full control over naming each subdomain that you want, along with the destination address that the subdomain should point to. Your hosting registrar should provide a simple to use control panel to enable you to create a subdomain and also to manage each subdomain you create. Subdomains don’t even need to link to addresses on the same domain name. As long as you have a valid link where you have your subdomain hosted, you can set your subdomain to point directly to that link. eg. if you type into your browser the subdomain
http://webdesign.BallisticDomains.com it will forward you to our sister company
www.flyingcowdesign.com that specializes in high-end web design.
Subdomains are handled by the DNS System (Domain Name System) and can run to 127 levels deep. Each subdomain level can be a maxium of 63 characters, but altogether the domain name with all subdomains in it cannot exceed 255 characters. Though we have referred to each subdomain name as being able to forward you to another place, you can easily setup a subdomain to be a its own real host with its own IP address. A lot of high traffic busy websites use this subdomain technique to spread server load over different servers to stop them getting overloaded. So instead of all traffic going to a single server www.busyproject.com , you could spread www.busyproject.com services to operate on different web servers on different subdomains hosted elsewhere like www1.busyproject.com and www2.busyproject.com etc.
When you have registered your main domain name, you should be able to create your own subdomains at any time using the tools that your domain registrar provides. To keep things as compatible as possible though, it is best to only use a mixture of lower case characters, numbers, and a hyphen ‘-‘ when creating your subdomains. After you have created your subdomain, it can take a while for the new subdomain to be known and able to be used throughout the rest of the web (24-74 hours), this is not a fault of your domain name registrar or your where your subdomain is hosted, but is a simple matter of what is called DNS propagation … but that’s for another article.
In the meantime, register a domain name, create your new subdomains for it, and sit back and relax while the internet updates itself to use them.
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